It used to be so simple, you could forget all this SEO stuff and just go along to Google to buy website traffic and advertising. Just 5 minutes later, boatloads of traffic would be turning up at your door. Now you might go back later and go for the free SEO traffic, but at least you had tested your pages first and got them converting, before waiting months for the free traffic to turn up. Continue reading →
If you are thinking about becoming a consultant you are probably already expert in some sought after field and would now like to exploit the potential of your expertise for generating consulting income.
Consulting is a great way for generating substantial income, raising your profile and expanding your network and even horizons.
But how do you get started? Or more importantly where will you get clients from?
This report, based on my own consulting experience over the last 8 years, reveals hard won secrets for driving your consulting success. These tips will get you quickly started along the consulting road.
Enter Email For Instant Access To: 6 Secrets To Kick-Start Your Consulting Career Report and Video
I suppose the greatest tip I ever received when starting my consulting career was don’t sell your service, instead focus on building relationships. Now think about this for a moment, how do you start a relationship?
Well, I generally do this by giving the client something of value without the expectation of receiving anything in return. It’s called “Giver’s Gain” or “What goes around comes around” and when it comes to consulting, nothing is more true than this expression.
Now in the spirit of this approach, I have compiled a report detailing some of my top consulting secrets. Secrets that have lead to millions of pounds of consulting business. In this cool report, I show you how to:
Get lucrative clients
Better still, how to get clients coming to you!
Managing the client pitch so that your service is seen as irresistible
Writing the proposal so as to clinch the deal
And so on …
Create a Lead Generation Marketing Machine for your Consulting Practice And …
Discover how to secure High Value Clients online for your services
Even While You Sleep. Yours FREE …
Here’s What’s Inside:
Discover how to position your expertise online and avoid the cycle of feast and famine
How to save time and the frustration of endless follow-up
Top 3 strategies that build residual income streams and that raise your daily fees
The most critical factor for selling high value services over the internet (hint: it’s not relationship building)
How to consistently manage and control your sales funnel to achieve the right level of client flow
Just watch the video and the enter your email into the box below to get access to Web Chemistry and further consulting tips:
In this recession, we’re all having to work harder than ever before to win customers. I think the most frustrating element isn’t getting a rejection, but endless delays and procrastination from the customer.
Of course, it’s understandable – budgets are tight and there are just so many more stakeholders involved in any purchasing decision. But how do you stop yourself from going insane with all the chasing and waiting?
In my case, I use my lead capture system. Everyday 2-3 people subscribe to my newsletter and a third of you have left me your phone number and highlighted your greatest challenges.
Following up with your calls is now a breeze, somehow it completely removes the stomach churning pain of cold calling. It puts me back in the driving seat of my marketing machine and means that I can take alternative direct action while waiting for client decisions.
Running a professional services firm is not easy and when work is hard to come by it is tempting to floor your prices along the road to ruin!
However, if you can create a lead generation machine like ours, then you have a predictable deal flow, more options and that strengthens your bargaining position when agreeing prices.
Anyway, if you want to see how you can set up your own “Autopilot Lead Generation System” then check out my report:
Over 95% of businesses have websites that don’t attract internet traffic. The cheapest way to correct this marketing failure is search engine optimisation. You can get to the top of Google, Yahoo or MSN by understanding the methods that search engines use to index your site.
Make it easy for their robot crawlers to find your site and then associate each page with the most relevant and popular keyword phrases used by searchers to get traffic and ultimately more customers.