Tag Archives: Support Customer

Compare Web Hosting

What’s The Top Tip When You Compare Web Hosting?

It’s always tempting to look for the cheapest deal when you compare web hosting. But beware, getting the right marketing results isn’t all about the website and upfront design.

It’s also about reliable service that supports your business promotion every day. For many businesses, the web operations have become an important contribution to the bottom line. Make sure that you take this into account when you next compare web hosting.

The critical elements of a web hosting service are: Continue reading

Traffic Conversion into Customer Sales

Good business websites convert visitors into customers, but how many actually do that?

Great business websites can do so much more:

  • Qualify and sort visitors into different market segments then route them to the most appropriate sections
  • Support Customer decision making with timely information that engenders trust and bonding
  • Stimulate their desire so that they are frantic to buy from you now!

It really comes down to 3 vital ingredients:

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