Tag Archives: Internet Marketing Agency

internet marketing agency

Don’t Choose Your Internet Marketing Agency Before You Consider These 5 Points

  1. What role does your web site play in your overall business strategy?

    Do you view your web site as an online brochure that ticks the “I’m online” box or do you view it as a way to generate new business? The very fact that you are considering employing an internet marketing agency suggests you want to make your web site work harder for your business and not just be a “pretty face”.
    Your web site can and should be one of the most important marketing tools you possess. Choose a partner that understands your business and works with you to create a strategy that brings floods of customers to your site.

  2. How much time can you invest in making your web site a success?

    There’s no getting away from it, it take effort to get your web site to the top of the search engines. Yes, there are plenty of tools and techniques to help get you there but pure elbow grease is needed to make it all happen. Do you want your internet marketing agency to undertake all of that work for you or are you prepared to put in some time as well? If it’s the latter, will they work with you and teach you how to do it?

  3. What’s your budget?

    This follows on from the last point. In order to keep costs down, you can employ an internet marketing agency to create your strategy but then you can take on the much of the work yourself – writing the copy, managing the content on the site, social networking etc. Choose a partner that allows that flexibility in pricing if that’s what you want.

  4. What’s the track record of the internet marketing agency?

    Ask them for success stories and client referrals. It’s all very well getting the site to the top of the search engines but what you really need to see is whether their sites get the visitors and do they convert those visitors into customers. Ask to see real results!

  5. Is your internet marketing agency ahead of the game?

    The world of online marketing never stays still. The search engines are constantly changing their algorithms; your competitors are always trying to stay one step ahead. The techniques and tools that were working even 6 months ago maybe yesterday’s news. How does the agency keep abreast of the latest developments? What investment do they make in training and research?

There are loads of internet marketing agencies out there but you need to choose the one that you believe will bring you the most new business and you would enjoy working with.

Finally be prepared before you make your choice by doing some research. Discover more about our internet marketing agency and strategies by downloading our free “Internet Lead Generation Blueprint” report now.