sales lead generation

Sales Lead Generation – How to Get Red Hot Customer Leads from your Website

Is your website working hard for you as a sales lead generation tool?

Your web site can be so much more than just a pretty brochure that tells your target customers all about your business. They’ve come to your site and found out a bit more about the services you offer but what next?

Are they going to hit the back button and go off to one of your competitor’s sites or are they inspired to leave their details with you or call you up. Because if they are not taking some sort of positive action to put business your way, it’s fair to say that your web site has failed in its main aim – to generate new business leads.

Put simply, your web site should be working hard for you by getting you new sales leads.

So how do you turn your current static site into the ultimate sales lead generation tool?

  • First you need to work out who your target market is and how you find them online – what keywords they use in their searches.
  • Then you need to get yourself seen online for those search terms through optimisation techniques. (That’s a whole different ballgame and not one I have time to address in this article).
  • Now here comes the really essential bit – when they come to your site you need a way of keeping them there and capturing their details so you can follow them up. Whether you are trying to get business to business leads or appealing to the general public, we all fiercely guard our personal details. You need to offer something pretty special in order for people to part with their email or phone number. There are many ways of doing this, giving a free report, a discount voucher, access to an information video and so on.

Get this right and your sales lead generation is working. You should have a list of hot sales lead to email or call up. Now it’s up to you to sell them something!

Want to find out how to develop a sales lead generation for your business – download our free “Internet Lead Generation Blueprint”

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