Does Google Leave You In The Dark?

I don’t know about you, but so much of Google just leaves me in the Dark. For instance, I sign up for a new Google tool and I can’t see it along with all my other tools. I come back the next day and mysteriously, it’s now there!

Then again, look at their quality score for advertisers, it doesn’t seem much, they hardly explain how it works. But it makes an enormous difference to your “pay per click” costs.

Obviously, they try and keep you in the dark so that spammers can’t exploit their methods to create high rankings for irrelevant sites and I don’t think this is ever likely to change.

Instead, run your mouse over the above picture to help you feel in control of High and Mighty Google! Become the puppet master for a change.

5 thoughts on “Does Google Leave You In The Dark?

  1. Calvin Clolinger

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